Policy Statement
Susquehanna University is committed to fostering a living, learning and working environment free of discrimination and harassment. The University is subject to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §§1681, et seq., which states that “[n]o person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Susquehanna University does not discriminate on the basis of sex and will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form, including as defined by Title IX, Susquehanna University’s community standards or other University policies. Susquehanna University’s Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy, along with its Title IX, Sexual Assault & Gender-Based Violence Policy, outline the University’s commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment.
Scope of Policy
The Susquehanna University’s Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and Title IX, Sexual Assault & Gender-Based Violence Policy applies to all faculty, staff and students, along with campus visitors, contractors and vendors. Susquehanna University prohibits bias, harassment and discrimination based on any protected category under applicable federal, state and/or local laws.
Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy
Title IX, Sexual Assault & Gender-Based Violence Policy
For More Information
For more information, to make a report, or to contact the title ix coordinator, use the links below.
Learn More About Title IX Procedures at SU
Meet the compliance team, learn about our ongoing training, and learn more about how seriously SU takes misconduct
Make a Secure Report
Click the link above to access the secure Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form
Contact the Title IX Coordinator
If your concern involves someone who is in immediate physical danger, please contact Campus Safety at 570-372-4444.